Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Our Very Own "Mr. Browne's Precepts"

 (Image from:

Based on our amazing read aloud book Wonder, we are going to channel Auggie's teacher Mr. Browne. We are going to create our own personal precept for the year. Mr. Browne defines a precept as "rules about really important things." You can think of them as your words to live by, just like our 'Thought of the Day' everyday in class. Using the research tool in Google Docs, we are each going to pick one precept that best represents us, our words to live by for the year. I want your precept to be something that inspires you to be better this year, and hopefully other students' precepts will inspire you as well. After you have chosen your precept, you will write a paragraph (just like Auggie had to do) explaining what your precept means to you. Your paragraph needs to be correctly formatted (indent, introductions, details, conclusion) and you need to check your writing before you post (aka edit your writing). Make sure to type this in your 'blogging doc' first so you don't lose your work before you are ready to post it.

I want this to be thoughtful, I want this to show me who you are, and I want this to show me what is important to you. Channel Auggie and what he wrote about, thought about, I can't wait to read your precepts!


  1. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen” - Winston Churchill

    This precept means a lot to me because I value courage. I like courage because It takes courage to do everything, including going to bed. Courage comes from the heart, and not from looks. You can look good, and not have the courage to go to bed, and you can look horrific but have the courage of a lion. Courage is one of the best attributes you can have, and I personally think it is the best attribute. Even other animals besides humans can have courage. Courage is what it takes to confront a new day.

    1. Ethan I agree completely that courage is an important attribute. I think that more people could learn from the courage of others, just like in Wonder. I also agree that courage is more important than how you look on the outside. It is what your character is that defines the person you are, not what you look like on the outside. I think this is a great precept for you to follow this year. I can't wait to see the courage you show in difficult situations.

  2. “On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord” - Barack Obama

    The quote I picked that meant the most to me, means we chose the right path to follow and not the bad path that allows no kindness, bravery, and a lot of fear. We chose the right path because we are a follower of what we believe and not what other people want us to believe. We have chosen hope over fear means we have the right to believe what we want to believe and not the fear that other things can try to stop us from doing the right things and listening to us and not anybody else.

    1. I think you picked a great quote, and I believe you are going to have a great year if you follow this precept. My courage quote ties into your quote because over all, you have to have courage to have hope.

    2. I really like what you said about how there are 2 paths and the one we need to chose is the kind one, this is a completely true statement! This quote is a good quote for the WHOLE class to follow and respect for the year.

  3. “People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society” - Vince Lombardi

    The Quote I picked to inspired me was, work together and you’ll accomplish every thing. Whether it’s hard or not. If you don’t work together your team is like a rock climbing up a hill, not fast.(not winning)but still gradually climbing. If you work together you can accomplish anything.

    1. I like how you said it is like a rock climbing up a hill and if you work together you can accomplish anything

    2. I really liked this precept because if you want it all, all the points,all the
      attention, all the fame that you wont get it but if you work well with other people and you let them get some attention that you will make it some day so teamwork is very importatnt

  4. “Life can be magical, if you have hope.” Sarah

    I like this precept because it kind of shows my inside to the world because i'm such a creative person and it shows my love for making the world less dull. This really shows how different I am and how much I think the world is to regular. When I think about fiction, I think about flying cats, cookie cats riding flying narwhals with mustaches, and dancing pepper ment servants and I want the world to see that (al though I can't show that to the world). Also I am always seeing dull people who write too much and don't believe in what is in there mind, and any imaginary things that they believe they are real up in their imagination. The last reason I think this is a good precept for the year is because I don't like dull people and if everyone believed in what they imagine the world would be a lot brighter.

    1. I agree. Hope can make life much better, and many good things happen because of hope. Hope can give u ideas and hope can give u courage to show ur creativity to the world. I think that this is a great precept.

    2. This is an amazing precept! I agree with all you said and all this is true, I believe that there are a lot of dull people in the world and they need to know to believe in their heart.


  5. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.” - Albert Schweitzer

    What this precept means is that what's successful for you in life is not the way to happiness but, happiness is the way to success. To be successful all you need is happiness in your life. Most are sad that they are not successful in life and all you need is happiness to cheer you up and to make you feel like you can do anything.

    1. I agree Jake that happiness is more important than success.

    2. This is so good we so agree on the part which says "Whats successful in your life is not the way to happiness" We feel like you are really taking in this precept. This quote looks like it really fits you and you will become very successful this year and in life. (Sutton helped)

  6. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” - Aesop

    This precept means to me that you can always do a little act of kindness every day. If you feel that your little act of kindness does not matter, then you have to think twice. All acts of kindness matter. Even if no one notices or cares. An act of kindness always changes something. If you still think that a little act of kindness does not matter let me give you an example. Let say your mom needed to go to work, but she could not find her keys. If you got up from the table and help her find them, she would get to work faster. However, if you were still at the table watching TV, your mom might be late for work.See it matters. This quote shows that every act of kindness matters.

    1. Caroline this is so true I mean like just the tinniest act of kindness can make a difference. I totally agree with your mom being late for work. You picked a great precept if we all push past necessary the world will be so much better. I think you already do this.

    2. I think that if you can be kind at least once a day you are accomplishing something special. It's putting a drop in someone's bucket.


  7. “It ain't over till it's over- Yogi Berra

    This quote is important to me because everyone says that when you're getting crushed it is over. Also, if you keep putting effort and effort you can overcome anything. Next, this quote is important to me because the game ain't over till time expires so if you keep trying you can win anything. Last, if you're crushing someone you should keep playing as hard as you can because “It ain’t over till it’s over’’.

    1. i LIKE HOW YOU SAID IT. If you lose, but there's still time left, it an't over till it over. I really like that quote and paragraph. It's a good (really good) quote.

  8. “I love, because there is not enough room in my heart to hate” - Rena Kornreich Gelissen

    To me, this precept means I love because I don’t have any room in my heart for hate. I love so much that I don’t have room to hate. It doesn’t matter to me what people look like or what they like, it matters about the kindness you give them. Not everyone will be nice to you, but you can chose to be nice to everyone else. The love you give people is the love you are giving yourself. The love you give is what everyone feels and they will want to give love back. This is the way I would define love.

    1. Lindi, I love that you said "I love because I don't have any room to hate!" That is a really good quote it shows what you think about your self. I can't wait to see this in action

    2. I think you found a good precept because it shows people to be nice and love eatch other in stead of hateing eatch other even if they are mean to you. This shows me just try to be nice to every one and they will be nice to you back.I think if you inspire every one to do this the world will just give peace and love and thats what god wants.

  9. “A leader is a dealer in hope” - Napoleon Bonaparte

    This is important to me because if no human had hope they would never have came to America but there was hope and we did find America. If Benjamin Franklin didn’t have any hope he would never invented all of his stuff and would of never proved that lightning is the same as electricity. If inventors never had hope they would never will be an inventor. Without hope we would never get any wear. That is why I think hope important.

  10. “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile” - Mother Teresa
    I picked this quote because It represents being nice and kind to the people around you. And showing positive smile and making someones day by showing kindness and NO NEGATIVITY!!! Maybe make someone smile when they are sad and or mad. And if you don’t be nice others won’t be nice to you. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

    1. Abby I really like that you said a saying that we should all think of when we a with people and the saying is "Treat people the way you want to be treated!" I think that that is strong and it will keep people going through their day and they think about their actions and what they are going to say to other people, but they think before they say or do their actions. I am really exited for you to put this quote in action for you and for other people around you!

    2. Abby, I really like your precept and what it means to you. I think that you really put your thought it to what it means, like when you said "Maybe make someone smile when they are sad and or mad." I understand that in the quote the first sentence says to make other people happy.

    3. Abby, I thought the whole quote was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      My favorite part was when you said that you should treat other people the way you want to be treated. I think that's really just a great thing to say

  11. “All people smile in the same language”

    This quote means to me that even if you can not communicate in the same language you still can show you are happy bye smiling. Even a smile can show someone that you are appreciative. When you see someone smiling you know they are liking what you did. Even if I am having a bad day I can show a smile and not only will it make my day better but it will make someone else's day to. Maybe next time you want to show you are happy just give a smile.

  12. “I'll never touch a cloud with my fingertips but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try” - Nikki Hornsby

    I picked this quote because maybe its impossible but it never hurts to try. If you don't try you won't get any where in life as if you do you might rise to be the most happy believer in the world. I also picked this quote because people around me all the time are like “I am so bad at this lesson i'm not getting a 3” just because you have not memorized it yet does not mean there is not any time. If it seems impossible it means to try until you are satisfied.

    1. Addie, I like how you said, "It doesn't hurt to try. . ." I thought that was really just one of the best quotes because some people say they'll never do it and once they try they find out they can and they just didn't want to.

    2. Wow I agree with you this is an amazing quote. I also agree with you where
      you said just because you haven memorized it, it doesn't mean there is no time. That was a really good piece of writing.

    3. I agree, if something is impossible it never hurts to try. Like if you know your test scores will be bad and you skip problems, if you try you might get it right.

    4. Addie I really like your precept! I think that everyone should see this and take a long time to think about it. This means a lot about how hard you can try and how much you should go for it all and try your best. I love how you explained it too.

  13. “There are hundreds of languages in the world but a smile speaks them all”

    I think that this means be happy smile every day like when life give you lemons you smile.SMILING LEMONS!!!
    Everyone can understand a smile no matter what language you speak. Smiling makes people feel good because the person that smiles at you makes them smile back. This year my goal is to smile more and get more people to smile too.

    1. Drayk, this is a really good paragraph. you said it in a way to me like smile and it beats every languge. it's really good

    2. I think you chose a good precept because this shows everyone that if you smile any one around the world knows what that means. This precept also makes people smile well, it made me smile. I think if you keep this goal of smileing I don't think all of are class is going to, I think the whole school or even the whole state or contrary. Last think I wont you to know is that you can inspire a lot of people with that smile and mabe inspire lemons to grow face for real and smile!

    3. Drayk, this is a really good paragraph. you said it in a way to me like smile and it beats every languge. it's really good

    4. Drayk I love the quote that you chose. I like the quote because I do think you smile is a language. Really good job Drayk.

    5. Drayk I love your quote. Mine is similar and I totally agree. Smiling can show you are happy.

  14. “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love” - Lao Zi What this precept means is that you can’t be mean
    too every one you have to bring joy and kindness not horror and darkness it is to
    make people happy not sad. Kindness is where you are giving people joy and
    happiness, love and greatness and being kind means too be honest and loyal

  15. “Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true”

    This precept means a lot to me, it means a lot to me because it really explains that dreams can come true if you believe. Also if you have faith in them. Someday your rainbow will come smiling through. I think that means that no matter how much your heart is giving up you have to keep on believing and your dream will come true. One time I really did not feel good one night. But in the morning we would have to go to a brunch I kept on believing that I would feel better and I did. This precept will help me though the year because if I am stuck on something I can keep on believing that I will be able to do it.

    1. Eden, I really like the way you said that you can believe that anything is possible and you can work through it and get it done no matter what comes your way. I'm looking forward to seeing you preserver through things and just keep trying.


  16. “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough” - Og Mandino

    To me this precept means that if you have failure it will never take over how hard you try to succeed. You should always believe and you will succeed, because you are always stronger than failure and always strong enough to succeed. if you are determinant to do good and be strong, then keep up how hard you try and how much you believe to succeed. how I will work to do this and for it to help me is by, not saying this is to hard or I can’t do it. I will do my hardest to try my hardest, I will not get mad at myself. this is a good precept for showing how hard you need to work to do well and believe.

    1. Sutton I very much agree with the quote you choose. It really teaches me that you should never let failure overcome your determination.

    2. I like your strong hook and you really gave me a way to dig down and to believe in your self

    3. Sutton I very much agree with the quote you chose. It really teaches me that you should never let failure overcome your determination.

    4. Sutton, we love your quote especially when you said " You will always believe and you will succeed!" That is a strong quote and it will help you and other people through the year to never give up and to keep going. It also tells that you can believe what you want to believe and not what other people believe. We can't wait to see you doing this through the year in action. {Lily and Ava}

  17. “There’s a time for you to be the bright side of any situation, and that time is all the time.” ~Maddie H. Laushman

    I made up this quote. It really means alot to me. It means alot to me because I believe that in any bad situation, there will always be some bright side, and just about anybody can dig deeper and find it, and then, for some of the persons in the situation, it will be better. I love brighter, better, situations, and you can make any situation into a brighter one. This is why i made my precept, and, please, try doing it!

    1. I like how you describe the meaning of of how much it means to be positive and do good things for others

    2. I agree with you and I think it was very inventive of you to make up a quote.

  18. “I'm not a creation alone for I am made up of several pieces of my ancestors and family.”

    I have respect to the ones who have given parts and pieces to create my living flesh.
    The reason I like this quote is because I am made of parts of people I love. for example, I got my long hair from my mom’s long hair and my dad’s short hair so both lengths of their hair give me my hair as a in between length. My eyes come from my mom and being a boy comes from my dad. The reason these characteristics make me feel special is because I know how I got my features and it gives me curiosity to learn more about family history and know the people that my parents and their ancestors once loved.

  19. ‘‘Don’t cry because its over, smile because it happened’’ -Dr. Suses
    This precept means enjoy things and don’t get upset when something is over. Smile because you got to do that awesome thing.This quote means something to me because when I moved from Colorado Springs to Denver I cried because I had to move, I should've smiled because I got to live in Colorado Springs. You should always smile instead of cry.I really like this precept.

  20. “Sports do not build character. They reveal it” - John Wooden

    This quote means to me that sports do not build character they help you find it. What it means by sports don't build character they reveal it, it means sports do not add on to character they show it. They show it by being a good sport, working hard to train, how to listen and learn something through practice, how to be a good, supportive teammate. All of these things make you have a stronger character and come out when you play. I play a sport so I know that this is true and that’s why I really like this quote.


  21. “The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to make money nor find much fun in life” - Charles M. Schwab

    I like this precept because it shows if you don't have fun with what you're doing and you just do it for the prize you might not even get a prize.It also tells people that you should try to have fun in what you’re doing no matter what you’re doing.What I really like about this precept is it tells you you can’t be successful in what you’re doing unless you have fun with it. Another reason I like this precept, is that it shows that fun comes from the things you like to do and not the things that make you a prize. It also shows it is harder to do stuff unless you do it with fun. This year I am going to make sure to have fun with my work so that I am focused on my work.

  22. “I care not what others think of what I do, but
    I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character” - Theodore Roosevelt

    All I care about is what I think and not what others think about me. I make my own decisions even though others may not approve it. This is important to me because I want to be my own person and live my life the way I want to. One time my friend told me to do a jump on his ramp. I didn't do a jump because I knew I might crash so I didn't. Instead of getting hurt and listening to my friend, I made a good decision for me.
